
    For Individuals

    While our focus remains on helping people with disabilities maximise their potential and successfully integrate them into mainstream society, our mission stands incomplete without your help. Your little time and effort can go a long way in achieving this goal.

    On an empathetic level, individuals can help persons with disabilities in the following ways:

    • Listen and learn:  Take the time to listen to the experiences and challenges of persons with disabilities. Educate yourself about different types of disabilities, their impact, and how you can be supportive.
    • Show respect and dignity:  Treat individuals with disabilities with respect and dignity. Avoid making assumptions or using derogatory language. Focus on their abilities and accomplishments rather than their disabilities.
    • Be thoughtful when offering to help:  If you want to help, ask how you can assist rather than assuming what they need. Respect their autonomy and allow them to define the support they require.
    • Be patient and understanding:  Understand that some tasks may take longer for persons with disabilities, and that’s okay. Be patient and supportive, allowing them the time they need to accomplish tasks.
    • Avoid pity:   Avoid pitying persons with disabilities. Empathize with their challenges but remember that they are capable individuals with their own strengths and abilities.
    • Engage in inclusive activities:   Include persons with disabilities in social activities and events whenever possible. Seek out inclusive spaces and events that cater to diverse needs.
    • Be an ally:  Be an ally for persons with disabilities by speaking up against discrimination and advocating for their rights.
    • Empower their independence:   Support their independence and self-advocacy. Encourage them to voice their needs and preferences in various settings.
    • Celebrate achievements:   Acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of persons with disabilities. Recognize their contributions to society and their resilience in overcoming challenges.
    • Be open to communication:  Be open to communication and build a strong rapport with individuals with disabilities. Engage in open conversations and foster an environment of trust and understanding.
    • Try and learn to communicate in their language:  For instance, learn basics of sign language to better equip you to communicate with the hearing and speech impaired.
      We have also listed some other ways in which you can help us. In case we have missed out on an option, please write to us on with your ideas.

    We have also listed some other ways in which you can help us. In case we have missed out on an option, please write to us on us2[dot]dkv[at]maharashtra[dot]gov[dot]in with your ideas, with the subject line: Suggestions for Get Involved: Individual

    • Raise your voice. Be an Advocate! Help us create disability awareness by joining us on our social networks and spreading the message with others
    • Make a difference. Donate
    • We welcome interns and volunteers at our (and our partner) centers