
    For Corporates

    We believe that creating an inclusive society is a collective responsibility that extends beyond individual efforts. As a department committed to promoting the welfare and inclusion of persons with disabilities, we invite you to join us in our mission to build a society where everyone, regardless of their abilities, can thrive and contribute. By harnessing the power of collaboration between our department and corporate entities like yours, we can create lasting change, break down barriers, and pave the way for a more inclusive future. Together, let us make a significant impact and empower persons with disabilities to fully participate and flourish in all aspects of life.
    How can you help?

    You can play a significant role by simply starting by making changes within your organization.

    • Inclusive hiring policies:  Actively promote diversity and inclusivity in the workplace by adopting inclusive hiring practices. Encourage the recruitment of individuals with disabilities and create an accessible and supportive work environment.
    • Accessibility and Accommodations:  Ensure that the workplace is accessible to individuals with disabilities. Provide reasonable accommodations, such as assistive technologies, adaptive equipment, or flexible work arrangements, to meet their needs.
    • Sensitization and Training:  Conduct sensitization workshops and training sessions for employees to raise awareness about disability-related issues and promote a culture of inclusivity and respect.
    • Provide employment opportunities:  We would like your help to break the social stigma surrounding persons with disabilities. We encourage you to adopt an inclusive hiring practice and provide employment, internship, and project opportunities to the differently abled.
    • Equal opportunities for career growth:  Provide equal opportunities for career growth and development for employees with disabilities. Offer training programs and mentorship opportunities to help them advance in their careers.
    • Supportive Workplace Policies:  Establish policies that support the needs of employees with disabilities, including leave policies, flexible work hours, and wellness programs tailored to their requirements.
    • Help the disabled live financially independent lives:  By choosing to buy from the disabled community, you not only support their talents and creativity but also play a crucial role in promoting their economic empowerment. Encourage the use of products made by them for your corporate gifting choices.
    • Raise funds for us
    • While simple donation is always an option, you can also raise funds for us. We are happy to hear your ideas on us2[dot]dkv[at]maharashtra[dot]gov[dot]in with the subject line: Suggestions for Get Involved: Corporate

    • Volunteer with us
    • Drop us an email on us2[dot]dkv[at]maharashtra[dot]gov[dot]in with the subject line: Volunteer with us : Corporate.