
    Get Involved

    • Raise your voice. Be an Advocate!

    Your support in sharing these inspirational life stories can help us spread the message of inclusion. Be a champion by making more persons with special needs feel welcomed in the community.

    • Make a difference. Donate!

    You too can make a difference. Each donation, big or small, can help bring about a change. Your contribution will go a long way towards helping people with disabilities achieve independence and self-reliance through the provision of training, medical aid, assistive technology as well as providing access to education, employment, social support and other basic needs.

    • To all the caregivers: You are not alone in this

    Are you a caregiver?

    We understand that caring for persons with disabilities can be both emotionally and physically draining, but we are here to let you know that you are not alone in this. Knowing who and where to ask for help, reduces uncertainty and avoids burnouts. An insight into a loved one’s condition, treatment, management, and progress enables you to provide optimal care and prepare for future needs. For this reason, we have created a Digital Guidebook for Caregivers which shall help you navigate life effectively, by finding a balance between work, caregiving, and your personal time. Additionally, to help ease out the emotional burden, you can also sign up to be a part of the Caregiving Community that allows you to speak with other care providers across the country.