
    Objectives & Functions


    (RPwD Act, Principles of Empowerment of PwDs as per United Nations Convention)

    The primary objective of the department is to ensure:

    1. Respect for inherent dignity, individual autonomy including the freedom to make one’s own choices, and independence of persons with disabilities.
    2. Ensure non-discrimination towards persons with disabilities.
    3. Full and effective participation and inclusion of persons with disabilities in all aspects of the society.
    4. Respect for difference and acceptance of persons with disabilities as part of human diversity and humanity.
    5. Equality of opportunity and accessibility.
    6. Accessibility.
    7. To mobilize the society as a whole towards achieving the above aspects.


    1. Collaborative
    2. We believe that jointly working towards a common goal not only creates a far greater impact, but also brings value to all those involved.

    3. Dedication
    4. We are compassionate and committed to our vision, mission and the people we serve, by aligning our work and decisions with our cause.

    5. Inclusive
    6. We work towards an inclusive society through our activities by advocating qualities such as empathy, accessibility and opportunity.

    7. Inspirational
    8. We are dedicated to making a positive difference, while constantly instilling a sense of hope and optimism to those we serve.

    9. Openness
    10. We welcome diverse ideas and views. We ensure that we engage respectfully, appropriately, clearly, sensibly and collaboratively in an exchange of information and ideas for the benefit of the people we serve.

    11. Trustworthy

    As reliable partners to all our stakeholders, we strive to serve and perform our role with integrity and excellence, and collaboration.


    1. Implementation of Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016 and various policies/act related to PwDs in Maharashtra
    2. Implementing Central and State Government initiatives (Act, Schemes, Policies, etc.) for PwDs in Maharashtra
    3. Disbursing subsidies, scholarships, incentives, and monitoring of prescribed activities related to persons with disabilities in Maharashtra
    4. Proactively providing information to general public and persons with disabilities for initiatives by the Department through various channels and also making it accessible to persons with disabilities through various channels.
    5. Implementing flagship programs in various domains identified from time to time.
    6. Promoting IEC, conferences, workshops, webinars, and exhibitions to improve stakeholder participation in the disability sector.
    7. Progressively achieving paperless offices and introducing suitable Information Technology tools towards process automation.